Outdoor Fireplace

Outdoor Fireplace

Wood burning outdoor fireplaceAre you seeking a cozy and warm feel to adding space within your outdoor living? Well here are things to consider when coming up with a plan for your outdoor fireplace installation.

Outdoor Fireplace Function

A fireplace or a fire table is a perfect relaxed setting which is perfect for the gathering of one’s peer group and support system. The question in regards to what kind of fireplace you should get for yourself underlies within the plan on how you intend to use it: Entertaining a large group? Family time? Or just downtime from life’s hectic cycle? Let us know at Outdoor Living, FL and we shall be at your convenience to install your ideal fireplace accordingly.

Think of a fireplace as a setting for catching up with friends or storytelling. It can be used to bring out the best of your space; most people set it on for the purpose of a retaining wall or around a fountain waterfall to bring out its value. Anywhere you desire to install your fireplace, Outdoor Living, FL is here to help you regardless if you change your mind from time to time if you ever decide to move it around based on sun exposure or wind flow.

Outdoor fireplaces are the best ideal for a close or rather an intimate setting when it comes to relacing with your fellow loved ones or even cozying up with a good book at hand and unwind from a hectic day. This is why our fireplace installations come at handy as they offer a luxurious feel that you can engage in within your living and dining area. 

Outdoor Fireplace Design

Outdoor fireplace ideasIf you are in exploration for an ideal fireplace concept, we recommend having a look at our product page catalog for a better impression of what’s possible here at Outdoor Living, FL. We offer custom models with finishing options such as tile and stone which are among our most prevalent determinations to coordinate with your home exterior.

Typically, our installations can sit in a lower like fashion such as the looks of a coffee table or a higher height for outdoor views. Typically, if you are looking for a trendy look that can not go wrong, we recommend taking the route of installing a fire table accommodated with a burner right at the center of it.

It’s all up to your imagination and creativity thereof, the sky is the limit. You can go for a decorative touch though opting for a fireplace mantel which typically comes in modern or traditional options depending on your feel for it. We are very flexible in the provision of materials presenting you with a stainless interior, log style, glass media, stone, or brick to surround the fireplace as you wish.

The key element of an outdoor design is to present you with a comfortable spot of entertainment and relaxation even when the weather takes a turn for the breeze. We ensure that your fireplace will compliment your backyard considering you have a large backyard as your fireplace is just the right spot to warm up after a swim in the pool. All these factors play a part in considering facets that your outdoor residence presents to us and we will simply add on to its look in a more enhanced manner for your outdoor comfort.

Outdoor Fireplace Materials

When it comes down to determining the adequate materials, it’s essential to understand that some fireplace materials radiate more heat compared to others. When opting for outdoor fireplace materials, among our common selections are stone, brick, and stucco.

Some fireplaces require higher maintenance than others, an outdoor gas fireplace for instance will require a fuel line where you are required to consistently provide it gas. A gas fireplace for instance would save you lots of money as it doesn’t necessarily require a pricey cost relatively compared to other models which we offer here at Outdoor Living, FL.

They can simply be used as an extension to your kitchen all while providing you with the essential means of benefit dedicated to leisure time such as cooking meals for your fellow friends and things alike. We will ensure that there aren’t any issues considering the options which come along with a gas fireplace such as propane which can be quite of a hazard if anything doesn’t go accordingly.

No matter which source you utilize for your fireplace, they will all require a very essential aspect, namely proper ventilation. A wood-burning fireplace ensures you are equipped with the necessary heat but they must contain enough chimney clearance to ensure the best suitable experience for your residence.

Outdoor Placement Fireplace

Outdoor fireplace kitMost zoning guidelines restrict how close you can construct a fireplace within your current residence from city to city which commonly tends to have rear and side property line setback guidelines. This is why when you request a quote from Outdoor Living, FL, we ensure that you want to figure out a manner to work around this dilemma to suit your needs accordingly to your desired planning.

We want you to consider views from your house, privacy, wind direction, and focal points which all play an essential aspect when determining the placement of your outdoor fireplace. When deciding where you can have this large structure installed, we urge you to think of the fireplace essentially as an anchor for your outdoor living room when coming up with a concept for its intended placement.

References and Resources

Firepits and outdoor fireplaces

Outdoor fireplace designs

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