Outdoor Kitchen Home Patio Extension

Here we are in beautiful South Florida. Sometimes when you get a wonderful home like this, and it’s just got a great view, you can’t do the outdoor pergolas, and the outdoor kitchens you’d like to do. Because of setback laws we’re redoing all of the pool and the pavers and everything, but instead of building a cabana or pergola, we had to do an outdoor extension. This extension on the house is all poured concrete that we’re doing, we’re extending the patio so that it looks like the other side of the house and it looks balanced. As you can see this balanced view here, where they’ll both look the same. What we’ll be doing in the structure is building an outdoor kitchen and bar area. That will be phase 3 after we do the structure, get it approved through the permitting process. Then all the pavers will be done. Then we’ll come back in and do the outdoor kitchen and bar right in this area.

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